I did it guys! 1 YEAR DONE! I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by! It's hard to believe that only 1 year ago I was walking into the MTC completely clueless as to what I was doing, not being able to speak Spanish at all. It's amazing to see how much the Lord has blessed me in such a short time and how much I've grown spiritually. Anyway, those were just some things I was reminiscing on this week.
Alright. Let's talk about your guys' week! Thanks for the dirty dash stuff you sent through dropbox! I like having this kind of accessibility in the offices to stuff like that. I hope we can find a way to get a cow shirt here. Is it already Homecoming over there? Who's Jayson taking this year? And what does his new choir suit look like? I hope it's better than those tuxedos we had... I was honestly not a huge fan of them. But I suppose you can chuck that thing now :) And Kyla's got a gymnastics camp... Sounds fun! Just as long as it's better than football camp. But I think anything is at least 10x better than football camp. So you should be good ;)
So this week I did all kinds of things! The excitement started on Wednesday, when I got to take a 2 1/2 trip up north to San Juan with Elder Romero and Elder Jacobsen for work... We had to do some stuff like apartment inspections, drop some supplies off for some zone leaders, and we also dropped off a mattress for Elder Mortensen who's up there right now. And due to the fact that President only wants us outside of the office for 1 day now if we're traveling for stuff like that, we came back that night. On Thursday Elder Benedict went with Elder Romero down South to San Rafael for similar reasons. It's about a 3 hour drive down that way. Then on FRIDAY we had to take another trip up to San Juan because we couldn't get everything done that we needed to on Wednesday, except we also had to go to this place called Valle de Uco, about an hour drive south of Mendoza. (Valle de Uco is VERY pretty by the way, it recently snowed a ton in the Andes so the mountains were WAY dope) So we went down there in the morning really quickly to leave some water filters with the zone leaders, then drove UP to San Juan because we had to drop off a new contract for one of the pensions that the missionaries over there are going to rent, among other things that we had to drop off up there for missionaries. It was a long day of driving.. And I was the only one in the car that had a license, so I had to be the driver. I was a little tired when we got back at like 10 o'clock, but it was fun! I kind of like road trips. I just hope I don't have to drive next time.
Pero BONUS! To get to San Juan, you pass RIGHT next to Pocito (my last area) if you're coming from the south. You basically go through Pocito actually. So, when we went through on Wednesday, we were talking to the Hermanas of Pocito, Hermana Workman (she was there my last transfer in Pocito) and her new comp. And they told us some very exciting news! I don't know if you guys remember the Bravo family that I was teaching my whole time in Pocito. They were the ones that were trying to get re-active so that their 9 year-old daughter Eloisa could get baptized. Well, Eloisa got baptized last Saturday! Which also means the Bravo family is now active! And even better, the Hermano Bravo is actually the 1st counselor in the branch presidency! So I'm pretty sure that means they're actually REALLY active now. I was so happy when I found out! We took advantage of this while we were up there and got the Hermanas to set up a surprise appointment for us for when we came back up on Friday. So while we were up there we passed by their house for a little bit to congratulate them. It was way cool.
The entire Pocito branch is actually doing way good right now, which makes me really happy. when I left the church attendance every week was around 17, including the missionaries. And we had a branch president that didn't really do anything. But both of those things have changed now! The attendance now is around 30ish, there's a new branch president that used to be a stake president and is WAY awesome apparently. He's united the branch a lot apparently. And the hermanas up there are baptizing a ful. They've had like 3 baptisms recently. Part of me wishes I was still there for all this excitement, but I'm still just way happy that all this stuff is happening over there.
I'll try to send some hump day pics, they'll explain my day about just as well as writing would. It was fun though. It involved burning a shirt and eating take-out chinese food. Or at least the best chinese food we could find here in Argentina.
I love you all! Have a great week!
Elder Bingham
Secretario de Finanzas
Misión Argentina Mendoza
Basically a copy of the photo I sent like 2 months ago, but it's the Bravo family! And this time Eloisa is in the picture. And they're now active :D
These are our traveling hats. And the Hermanas we picked up from Pocito for out appointment with the Bravo family.
Panorama of the nothingness we drove through to San Juan
Trying to talk on the phone while driving... I've never had to do this while driving stick-shift before
Stopping by to see Elder Mortensen in his new area! And dropping off a mattress. And he wanted to drive.
Pre-burning shirt pics....
Burning a shirt. I was a little excited.
Just heading out to the cold Valle de Uco... with our awesome traveling hats.
Just a closer up pic of the Andes mountains :D
a couple panoramas of Valle de Uco. The mountains are way pretty! And gigantic.
Just driving around with the coolest zone leaders in the mission... Elder Cuessy and Wilson.